Monday, May 26, 2008

Week 6: Playing way too much

I fell off the wagon. After about 58 days of sobriety, I was offered the other night while watching UFC 84 at a friends house and I decided not to turn it down. I smoked again the next day. It felt really damn good, but unfortunately my sobriety continues as I decided that I would only do it during the holiday weekend and I am sticking to it.

Anyway, back to poker.

During the last week, I played the most hands I have played in a week. There are two reasons for that.

1. More time put aside for playing.
2. I have started playing 6 tables regularly and as many as 8 at a time.

During the last week I played approximately 21K hands during the last week. After my big downswing over the last week, I proceeded to play 15K hands of break-even poker. I don't have to say it, it was absolutely brutal. From Monday-Wednesday my account did not shift more then $30 in one direction or the other even though I played about 8K hands.

Over the last couple of days things have turned around and I am back in the right direction.

Yesterday I was having one of my best days.

In my early day session, I built a stack up to $280. Unfortunately, that was the only table that I did really well on and I only made $35 for the session.

When I came back I built a stack to over $300 for the first time and was up $450 at one point for the day. I was debating when to call it quits since it was 3 in the morning but I couldn't bring myself to quit as I was enjoying my own degeneracy. The poker gods told me to quit when I took 3 huge coolers in about 2 minutes and dropped $180. I ended up finishing the day with a profit of $270 for the day.

This is where I sit after 6 weeks of online play. I am so damn proud of myself right now. I have my own fantasies and goals of where I want to be and it is actually happening.

Hands played for May: 50,249
Account Balance: $3,762.83
Rake-back: $864.60
Total: $4,627.43
Profit: $4,327.43

I am about to start my Monday session right now and since I will probably be playing all day, I am hoping to cross 5K for my total account. The rake will be getting paid on the 1st whenever that is.

I still really have no plans for moving up to NL100.

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