Saturday, May 17, 2008

50 days of sobriety

It was actually yesterday, but yesterday was 50 days since the last time I blazed.

I must say, this really fucking sucks because there is nothing that I want to do more then have a session. I swear, I think I spend more time thinking about wanting to smoke then I think about poker.

Anyone who goes through sobriety and says that they enjoy it is full of crap or hit absolute rock bottom.

I have a very addictive personality and generally have at least one addiction going on. Since I am not smoking right now, I have gone hardcore with playing poker but thats obviously a good thing.

Bankroll Update:
Hands Played 26,287
Bankroll $2962.14
Rakeback $445.09

I will probably put in another 4K hands before I make my next update so a lot will probably changing. Hopefully for the better.

I am about to start my session for Saturday right now.

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