Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I don't know why I do this too myself. Original email date: 2/18/08

I had an absolutely terrible day today. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. And I am not talking about poker. Like I have eluded too before, things in my personal life have been pretty screwed up for a while. Going on 5-6 months now.

Unfortunately I have been staying with my mom for the past 6 weeks. It really hasn't been that bad but my mom and I do not belong under the same roof regardless of the circumstances. I found a new place 2 weeks into staying with my mom. However, the guy who owns the place has been fixing it up. For the last month or so, he has been making and breaking promises about when the place will be ready.

That is the first step in terms of getting my life on track. I really feel I can't get anything accomplished until I get out of my mom's house. It probably sounds like an excuse, but I am completely out of my comfort zone living with my mom. I have essentially been standing on my own 2 feet since I was 18 and I am close to 23 and am living with mom. I seriously could not feel worse about it.

I had also spoken about getting into legal trouble not too long ago. Fortunately, it looked like it had gotten swept under the rug and that I was going to face no penalties and essentially get away with it. Wrong. I got a letter yesterday from the Prosecutor of Pasadena saying that they had re-scheduled my court date. Unless my attorney can pull off a miracle theres nothing but bad news written all over this.

Combine that with the fact that my mom and I got in huge fight over some really stupid bullshit. One of which being poker. We do this all the time. She is literally rooting for me to lose because she hates that I "gamble" and that its impossible to win. I've showed her money and results but she always says that I will just lose it back eventually.

As you can imagine, that adds fuel to my fire and makes me want to prove her wrong even more. Of course, I have to do stupid things, run bad, and not have a lot of little things go my way so of course she thinks she's a genius.

Every time her and I have gotten into an argument and I have gone to play cards, I have lost every time. I seriously don't know what it is. I'm seriously cursed by my mom.

We ended up making some sort of amends later in the day and I put the legal bullshit on the back-burner and decided to not worry about it. I went to Commerce feeling really good about myself and looking to extend upon my newfound winning streak. I went over all my stats and the last time I had 3 winning sessions in a row of over $300 was in late November. That is unacceptable. I use to routinely win 3-4 times in a row when I played in the $5/$10 game and that game is exponentially tougher then the $3/$5 I have been playing most all this time.

I went looking to do another hit and run.

I was unaware that it was a holiday and was shocked at how good the games were when I got there.

I took a look at the $400 games and saw a table with some stupid Armenian guy and his $6000 chip-stack. I watched a few hands on his table and sure enough he was getting ridiculously lucky. I have built stacks of $2000 a few times in that game. $6000 is ludicrous. A seat opened up to his left and there was no board and I really thought of the potential I had to just jump in and crack this guy.

In the end, I ended up being a pussy and didn't want to take the risk. Looking back, I could not be more upset with myself for not doing it.

I sat down in the $200 and there were two guys who had stacks of $1900 and $1100 respectively. They were pumping the game up and I was hardly ever able to see a flop. I wasn't getting anything to play with so it really didn't matter. It actually helped me play tighter which is a good thing.

There was this guy who I could tell had never played poker before who came with his g/f and sat down at the same time I did. He played terribly and called a couple $45 raises even though he only had a $200 stack. He was down to his last $50 and he was sitting right next to me so I could hear everything he was saying. He told his g/f that he was just going to go all-in in the next couple hands so they could leave.

I finally decided to raise a pot when I saw K 9 off. There were several limpers and I was just trying to steal. The guy sitting next to me goes all in for another $25. I only had about $160 and I already knew that if I called and lost, I would be down to only $100 and you need chips for the way this game was playing. I call, miss everything and he shows A 9. I didn't realize how sensitive I still was regarding today's earlier events because it felt like I was on full blown tilt after that one hand. I was just beside myself that this idiot who I know is going to donate my money just took close to half my stack on a hand that probably should have never happened in the first place.

The game was still going wildly and I wasn't getting anything so I kept folding and folding. I eventually doubled up and got back to even.

As usual, the very NEXT hand. I limp in late position with K 10 and the flop comes 10 high with 2 hearts. This girl who I have played with over a dozen times leads out for $25 and I am the only caller. On the turn she fires out $75 and I have seen this time and time again from her. She loves doing this with her flush draws so I go all in. She obviously calls and the river misses the flush and she flips over A 10 of hearts. I guess I was half right, but could not be more displeased with my decision making there. I don't know if its a leak in my game or what, but I can't believe how I often I win a big pot to only give it all back the very NEXT hand. I rebuy and twice flop top pair of Aces and have to fold on the turn both times after dealing with fierce betting. That made my tilt worse. I'm sitting on a stack of $130 and decide to steal blinds and raise to $30 on the button with A 8 off after a couple limpers.

I get two callers and the board comes 8 4 2. I assume I'm good. This guy leads out and pushes all-in for $150.

This is one of those spots where I don't know how I can call but at the same time, how can I fold? Theres no draws except for a potential straight draw. I give him credit for either 8 9 or 9 9 or 10 10.

I call and he shows 9 9 and I am out $400 in only 1.5 hours. I left with a really sour taste in my mouth today. I definitely credit myself for this loss regardless of the cards not helping much. I guess I have finally learned that when I get steamed up early in the day I cannot go play poker. Thats going to be a new rule of mine. I think the only way I could still go under those circumstances is if I smoke before I play but I don't get too smoke too much anymore.

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