Everyday when I play, I see at least one person who is being smacked in the face by the deck. I on the other hand, have days like that probably once every six months.
For the last month or so that I have been playing, everything has been really difficult. I have had a couple of sessions where things came pretty easy but for the most part I struggle just to win a pot.
For the last week or so, I haven't been dealt anything. It's amazing that I even managed to eke out a couple of wins. Waiting 45 minutes to win my first hand has become the norm and I get no action when I raise because they all know I have something when I do. On the flip side, it seems that every time I try to make a play with a BS hand everyone comes in with me and I miss the board every time.
Today was one of the worst days that I have had in a long time. Like I mentioned above, it took me a really long time to win a hand and for like the 6th straight session I've been chipped away to a really short-stack. I picked up a few decent pre-flop hands however I missed the board every time and before I knew it I was down to my last $60 and was all-in with A 9. I put it in with that hand because there was a pre-flop raise to $15 and a single caller. I figured that both players were weak and that they would just fold. Of course, the original raiser had to have A Q and he held up. I did something that I have not done lately and that is rebuying into the game. I did it because the game was good and I was sure that I would be able to get it back and a little bit more. It was really just a matter of catching a couple of cards.
On my second stack I flopped a top pair and called a bet that was called by several other players. I didn't get crazy because I only had 10 8 so there were kicker issues. The turn completed the flush and everyone checked to me on the button. I decided to take a stab at it and of course got raised all-in and he showed the nut-flush. Standard.
I then had A J run into A K but I lost the minimum.
I then had 10 10 run into Q Q and once again I lost the minimum by folding pre-flop.
I also had a 2nd nut flush draw run into the nut flush draw but I laid it down on the flop once again losing the bare minimum. The flush obviously didn't come.
I attempted one more bluff, the other being when I had top pair and went for it when the flush came. Once again the same guy ended up turning the nuts on me for the second time and went all-in again. I got no cards almost the whole time and tried to bluff twice and went for 0 for 2.
The only thing that kept my stack alive was the guy to my right was making a lot of ridiculous raises when there were lots of limpers. He would raise to $40-$60 hoping everyone would fold. He would only do this when he was in the blinds. It worked pretty much every time but on 4 separate occasions I went all-in and he folded each time. That alone was what kept my stack alive through all of this. At one point my stack had grown to $320 and I was only down $80 session. I really wish I would have just picked up there and tried for another day because I wouldn't be writing all this.
My $320 dwindled all the way to $80 due to the hands I talked about above and then I got it back to up $170. I then took my last cooler of the session. There was a preflop raise to $25 and I found A K. I didn't feel like getting crazy and only called along with several other callers. The flop came K high and I check-raised all-in. He called and showed A A. Standard.
I also picked up A A once but got no action.
I took a $400 loss and my new downswing has reached $600 and I am suddenly not doing so well money-wise.
I went back at around midnight hoping to have a turn-around but things only got worse.
Immediately I started getting chipped away and once again my stack was starting to get short. I decided to make a pre-flop raise for the first time and of course it shit all over my face. I found J 8 of hearts which is one of my favorite hands and no one had bet before me so I figured I would win the $7 by raising in the CO. Of course the BB and SB both called and I missed on a safe flop. K 9 9. Both players checked immediately and I made it $35 to go. Of course the SB raised me to $100 and I had to throw it away. I was down to my last $85.
I picked up A A and once again got no action. I won $17.
Then my last hand of the night left one of the worst tastes in my mouth. I made a ridiculous call only for the poker gods to reward the other player.
I had re-bought for another $100 to increase my stack to $200 which put me $300 deep in the game.
I'm not going to lie, I was starting to lose my patience. The last 10 hours of poker have been absolutely brutal and I am tired of folding every hand. I found K J in the CO and there were several limpers. I rasied to $25 hoping to steal the blinds and antes but I got called 4 ways. As usual I whiffed the flop and the board came 9 7 6 with two spades. Everyone checked to me and I know from previous experience that betting on this board with this many players wasn't smart but I didn't care. I made it $60 to go and I got called by the SB. Another player asked me how much I had left and I knew that I was in a lot of trouble. Fortunately, I could tell that he was worried about the SB so he threw it away. The turn brought the King of spades completing the flush and the SB immediately put his whole stack of $250 in the middle. I just laughed and commented on how typical that play was. I have had this happen so many times, and so many times they don't have the hand that they are trying to represent.
This is exactly what happened in that hand I had a couple weeks ago where I flopped a set of 4's and got bluffed out by a two pair. I know that if this guy had a flush he would have waited for me to hang myself. Instead he put it all in quicker then I have ever seen anybody put it in before. I told him that I didn't think he had a flush and called him with my top pair and the river came:
Q spades. There are now 4 spades and I don't have a spade. Standard.
I flip over my K J and he shows Q Q and hit a 2 outer. Standard.
I am now down $900 for the last 24 hours which almost cashes me out. I think I will take one more shot tomorrow but after that I have to pay the rent and don't know if I will be able to play anymore. The pizza kitchen better come through next week because if it doesn't I'm going to be fucked.
After winning three in a row, I have now lost 3 in a row. Of course thats obviously justice. I use to find poker to be a really easy game but as I learn more and see more hands, the game only becomes more and more difficult for me.
Here is my standard break-even graph.

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